Stránská skála

General Characteristics

County (administration): Jihomoravský kraj
District (town): Brno-město
Village: Brno
Cadastre: Slatina
Map sheets: 24-43 Šlapanice, 24-431 Šlapanice
Accessibility: no traffic restriction ( by car)
Technical object: guarry
ID: 784


Short characteristics of the site: Abandoned river valley exposes two levels of fluvial sediments. They differ petrologically and contain also soils of ferreto type. The exposure indicates very complicated development of the fluvial system. Important fom the viewpoint of Quaternary geology.
Regional geologic unit: Bohemian Massif > Quaternary > Quaternary of deposition areas of Bohemian Massif;
Bohemian Massif > Jurassic > Jurassic in Moravian Karst and Brno surroundings
Stratigraphy: Quaternary
Subject: stratigraphy, paleontology, sedimentology, archeology, botany, geology, geomorphology, history, quaternary geology, economic geology, mineralogy, petrology, structural geology, zoology
Geological phenomenon: concretion , karst, karst cave, krast pit, varnished stone, bed, fossils fauna, fossils-flora
Genesis: anthropogenic (anthropogenic activity), organogenic (activity of organisms), sedimentary
Rock: limestone, gravel-sand, chert, hornfels

Territorial protection

Level of protection: National nature monument
Additional information: See the Digital register of the Agency for Nature Conservation and Landscape Protection of the Czech Republic AOPK ČR, code 700 (Stránská skála)
Conflicts of interests: without conflicts

  • Eliáš, M. (1981): Facies and Paleogeography of the Jurassic of the Bohemian Massif. - Sbor. geol. věd, geol., 35, 75-114. Praha. Kovanda, J. (1994): Revizní výzkum fosilních měkkýšů svrchní části profilu svahového kužele na Stránské skále u Brna. Kovanda, J. (1994): Paleomalakoanalýza spodních poloh profilu svahového kužele na Stránské skále u Brna. Vašíček, Z. (1973): Předběžná zpráva o makropaleontologickém výzkumu za rok 1973. – MS, Geologický archiv MND Hodonín, 1–24. Zeman, A. (1974): Quaternary of the surroundings of Stránská skála. - Antropozoikum, 10, 41-72. Praha. Koutek, J. (1926): Příspěvek k poznání rohovcových vápenců jurských na Stránské skále u Brna. - Věst. Stát. Geol. Ústavu, 2, 172-182. Praha.
  • Tomanová Petrová P. et al. (2013): Základní geologická mapa České republiky 1 : 25 000 s Vysvětlivkami 24-431 Šlapanice . Česká geologická služba. Praha

Elaboration and Updating

Elaborated by: Ivana Uhlířová, 29.11.1993
Updated by: Otava Jiří, 03.11.2008, Tomanová Petrová Pavla, 08.01.2014


The database Important geological localities of the Czech Republic: 784 [online]. Prague: Czech Geological Survey, 1998 [cit. 2023-06-16]. Available from: https://

Location in map:


Scientifical assesment: extraordinary
Educational assesment: major
Significance: international
Representativeness: major
Geological importance: significant study profile, geo-regional value (mapping), geoturistic value
Excursion locality: yes
Locality conditions: no problems

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