Černotín - lom ve vsi

General Characteristics

County (administration): Olomoucký kraj
District (town): Přerov
Village: Černotín
Cadastre: Černotín
Map sheets: 25-14 Valašské Meziříčí, 25-141 Kelč
Accessibility: no traffic restriction ( by car)
Technical object: guarry
ID: 3874


Short characteristics of the site: Lithostratotype of the Miocene, Badenian Černotín sandstone. Sandstone are calcitic and pass also to fine grained conglomerates. Their clasts are mainly of limestones.
Regional geologic unit: Carpathians > Carpathian foredeep > Northern part of Carpathian foredeep
Stratigraphy: Karpatian
Subject: sedimentology
Geological phenomenon: characteristic rock
Genesis: sedimentary
Rock: sandstone

Territorial protection

Level of protection: Registered interesting geological localities
Conflicts of interests: others human activity, ground instability

  • OTAVA, J.,ed. a kol. (2008): Vysvětlivky k základní geologické mapě České republiky 1:25 000 25-141 Kelč. Základní geologická mapa 1:25 000 České republiky. 176 s. – MS, Česká geologická služba. Praha. Kučerová, H. (1983): Paleontologický a sedimentologický výzkum miocenních klastik v oblasti Černotína (tzv. černotínských pískovců). – MS diplomové práce, katedra geologie a paleontologie UJEP. Brno

Elaboration and Updating

Elaborated by: Jiří Otava, 11.08.2015
Updated by: Kukal Zdeněk, 20.12.2017, Tomanová Petrová Pavla, 05.09.2024


The database Important geological localities of the Czech Republic: 3874 [online]. Prague: Czech Geological Survey, 1998 [cit. 2023-06-16]. Available from: https:// lokality.geology.cz/3874.

Location in map:


Scientifical assesment: medium
Educational assesment: major
Significance: national
Representativeness: major
Geological importance: significant study profile, geo-regional value (mapping), geoturistic value
Locality conditions: no problems

You can send information about a change in the status of the site to lokality@geology.cz

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