Číhaná – lom v bazanitu

General Characteristics

County (administration): Karlovarský kraj
District (town): Karlovy Vary
Village: Bochov
Cadastre: Číhaná u Javorné
Map sheets: 11-23 Sokolov,11-24 Žlutice, 11-232 Kolová,11-241 Bochov
Accessibility: special entry permit necessary (military area, quarry, private land)
Technical object: guarry
ID: 3746


Short characteristics of the site: The active quarry called "Číhaná - the Kurking Place". This quarry has been opened in a basanite body which pierces the Nejdek-Eibenstock pluton and Mariánské lázně Complex. The basanite shows typical columnar jointing and geologicallly belongs to a group of alkali volcanics of the Doupovské Hory Mts. In the bazanite there occur numerous xenolites of amphibolites and granitoids. The basanite is 16,5 Ma years old (Tertiary), as determined by K-Ar method. In the vicinity the outcrop of garnet amphibolite of the Mariánské lázně Complex occurs.
Regional geologic unit: Bohemian Massif > Tertiary > Tertiary - scaterred relics of alkaline Volcanics
Stratigraphy: Tertiary
Subject: geology, geomorphology, volcanology
Geological phenomenon: lava flow, stony organ, frost cliff, maar
Genesis: volcanic , frost weathering
Rock: basanite, breccia, amphibolite

Territorial protection

Level of protection: Registered interesting geological localities
Part of national geopark: Egeria
Conflicts of interests: private property, open cast mining

  • Mlčoch ed. (2013): Vysvětlivky k mapě 1 : 25 000 list 11-241 Bocho

Elaboration and Updating

Elaborated by: Vladislav Rapprich, 10.11.2013
Updated by: Kukal Zdeněk, 15.09.2017


The database Important geological localities of the Czech Republic: 3746 [online]. Prague: Czech Geological Survey, 1998 [cit. 2023-06-16]. Available from: https:// lokality.geology.cz/3746.

Location in map:


Scientifical assesment: medium
Educational assesment: middle
Significance: regional
Representativeness: middle
Geological importance: significant study profile, geo-regional value (mapping)
Excursion locality: yes
Locality conditions: no problems

You can send information about a change in the status of the site to lokality@geology.cz

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