Lhotský vrch - granodiorit (čistecký typ)

General Characteristics

County (administration): Středočeský kraj
District (town): Rakovník
Village: Jesenice
Cadastre: Podbořánky
Map sheets: 12-13 Jesenice, 12-133 Jesenice
Accessibility: passable footpath
Technical object: guarry
ID: 3525


Short characteristics of the site: Magmatic rocks, Čistá Massif. Several flooded abandoned quarries expose a body of biotite granodiorite. This rock is porphyric with potassium feldspar phenocrysts, mylonitic deformation and foliation are typical for it. Among other rock forming minerals plagioclase prevails accompanied by some micas and accessoric garnet. Biotite forms leaf-like aggregates which are partly altered into Fe-hydroxides.
Regional geologic unit: Bohemian Massif > Bohemicum > Magmatites in Bohemicum > Louny Massif > Jesenice Massif
Stratigraphy: Devonian
Subject: geology, petrology, structural geology
Geological phenomenon: intrusion, outcrop
Genesis: magmatic
Rock: granodiorite

Territorial protection

Level of protection: Registered interesting geological localities
Conflicts of interests: without conflicts

  • Klomínský,J.(1963):Geologie čisteckého masivu.- Sbor.geol.věd,Geol.3,7 - 29. Praha.
  • Seifert A., red. (2012): Základní geologická mapa České republiky 1 : 25 000 s Vysvětlivkami 12-133 Jesenice. Česká geologická služba. Praha

Elaboration and Updating

Elaborated by: Petr Štěpánek, 03.05.2012
Updated by:


The database Important geological localities of the Czech Republic: 3525 [online]. Prague: Czech Geological Survey, 1998 [cit. 2023-06-16]. Available from: https:// lokality.geology.cz/3525.

Location in map:


Scientifical assesment: medium
Educational assesment: middle
Significance: regional
Representativeness: middle
Geological importance: geo-regional value (mapping)
Locality conditions: no problems

You can send information about a change in the status of the site to lokality@geology.cz

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