Kunčický bludný balvan

General Characteristics

County (administration): Moravskoslezský kraj
District (town): Ostrava-město
Village: Ostrava
Cadastre: Kunčice nad Ostravicí
Map sheets: 15-43 Ostrava, 15-434 Vratimov
Accessibility: no traffic restriction ( by car)
ID: 2363


Short characteristics of the site: Quaternary, areas of continental glaciation. Largest erratic boulder in the Czech Republic. This, so called the Kunčice erratic boulder, was found 680 cm below ground. Its size is 320 x 220 x 155 cm. It consists of coarse grained porphyric granite and has been transported from the Scandinavian Shield, either from Sweden or from Finland. Potassium feldspar phenocrysts are as large as 1 - 2 cm. The locality is clasified as Nature Monument.
Regional geologic unit: Bohemian Massif > Quaternary > Quaternary of deposition areas of Bohemian Massif > Quaternary of continental glaciation - Bohemian Massif
Stratigraphy: Quaternary
Subject: geomorphology, petrology, quaternary geology
Geological phenomenon: moraine
Genesis: glacigenic (glacier activity), magmatic
Rock: granite

Territorial protection

Level of protection: Nature monument
Additional information: See the Digital register of the Agency for Nature Conservation and Landscape Protection of the Czech Republic AOPK ČR, code 1204 (Kunčický bludný balvan)
Conflicts of interests: without conflicts

  • Weissmannová H. a kol (2004): Ostravsko. In: Mackovčin P. a Sedláček M.(eds.): Chráněná území ČR, svazek X. Agentura ochrany přírody a krajiny ČR a EkoCentrum Brno, str.287 Praha

Elaboration and Updating

Elaborated by: Pavlína Jirková, 01.03.2010
Updated by: Malík Jan, 19.08.2011, Nývlt Daniel, 03.11.2011, Kukal Zdeněk, 29.10.2012, Kukal Zdeněk, 29.12.2017


The database Important geological localities of the Czech Republic: 2363 [online]. Prague: Czech Geological Survey, 1998 [cit. 2023-06-16]. Available from: https:// lokality.geology.cz/2363.

Location in map:


Scientifical assesment: medium
Educational assesment: major
Significance: regional
Representativeness: major
Geological importance: geoturistic value
Locality conditions: acceptable

You can send information about a change in the status of the site to lokality@geology.cz

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