
General Characteristics

County (administration): Středočeský kraj
District (town): Beroun
Village: Srbsko
Cadastre: Srbsko u Karlštejna
Map sheets: 12-41 Beroun, 12-413 Králův Dvůr
ID: 168


Short characteristics of the site: Classical paleontological locality of the Srbsko Formation and its members, Kačák and Roblín beds. Very important collecting locality, with fauna and mainly flora remains. Many originals come from this locality which is world renown.
Regional geologic unit: Bohemian Massif > Bohemicum > Barrandien
Stratigraphy: Middle Devonian
Subject: stratigraphy, paleontology
Geological phenomenon: fossils-flora, karst
Genesis: sedimentary
Rock: volcanic rock (undifferentiated)

Territorial protection

Level of protection: Registred geological localities suggested to protection in Protected landscape area
Part of LEPA (Large-size especially protected areas): Český kras
Part of national geopark: Barrandien
Conflicts of interests: waste disposal, estates

  • Chlupáč, I. (1959): Faciální vývoj a biostratigrafie břidlic dalejských a vápenců hlubočepských (eifel) ve středočeském devonu. - Sbor. Ústř. Úst. geol, Geol., 25, 445-511. Praha
  • Chlupáč, I. (1960): Stratigrafická studie o vrstvách srbských (givet) ve středočeském devonu. - Sbor. Ústř. Úst. geol, Geol., 26, 1, 143-185. Praha
  • Chlupáč, I. (1987, ed.): Základní geologická mapa a vysvětlivky ČSSR 1:25 000, list 12-413 Králův Dvůr. - Ústřední Ústav geologický, Praha

Elaboration and Updating

Elaborated by: Ivo Chlupáč, 08.04.1993
Updated by: Gürtlerová Pavla, 15.03.2014


The database Important geological localities of the Czech Republic: 168 [online]. Prague: Czech Geological Survey, 1998 [cit. 2023-06-16]. Available from: https://

Location in map:


Scientifical assesment: extraordinary
Educational assesment: major
Significance: national
Geological importance: paleontological type locality, significant study profile, geoturistic value
Locality conditions:

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