Tučapská skalka

General Characteristics

County (administration): Olomoucký kraj
District (town): Olomouc
Village: Dub nad Moravou
Cadastre: Dub nad Moravou
Map sheets: 24-24 Prostějov, 24-242 Věrovany
Accessibility: passable footpath
ID: 1687


Short characteristics of the site: Brunovistulicum, metamorphic units, Pliopleistocene. Natural outcrop of mylonitized biotite granodiorite. This rock is strongly cataclysed, also chloritized due to dynamic metamorphism. Bedrock is covered by loamy regolith and 300 cm thick loess deposit.
Regional geologic unit: Bohemian Massif > Bohemian Massif - crystalline complex and pre-Variscian Palaeozoic;
Bohemian Massif > Moravosilesian region > Brunovistulicum
Stratigraphy: Neoproterozoic
Subject: geology
Geological phenomenon: outcrop
Genesis: magmatic, metamorphic (general metamorphism), weathering
Rock: granodiorite, breccia, loess, loam, diorite

Territorial protection

Level of protection: Nature monument
Additional information: See the Digital register of the Agency for Nature Conservation and Landscape Protection of the Czech Republic AOPK ČR, code 453 (Tučapská skalka)
Conflicts of interests: without conflicts

  • Šafář J. a kol.(2003): Olomoucko. In: Mackovčin P., Sedláček M.(eds): Chráněná území ČR, Svazek VI. Agentura ochrany přírody a krajiny ČR a EkoCentrum Brno,str.146 Prah

Elaboration and Updating

Elaborated by: Pavlína Jirková, 03.03.2010
Updated by: Otava Jiří, 24.10.2011, Tomanová Petrová Pavla, 06.12.2011, Kukal Zdeněk, 15.10.2012, Kukal Zdeněk, 20.11.2012


The database Important geological localities of the Czech Republic: 1687 [online]. Prague: Czech Geological Survey, 1998 [cit. 2023-06-16]. Available from: https:// lokality.geology.cz/1687.

Location in map:


Scientifical assesment: medium
Educational assesment: middle
Significance: regional
Representativeness: middle
Geological importance: geo-regional value (mapping), geoturistic value
Excursion locality: yes
Locality conditions: no problems

You can send information about a change in the status of the site to lokality@geology.cz

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