Peklo u Nového Města nad Metují

General Characteristics

County (administration): Královéhradecký kraj
District (town): Náchod
Village: Sendraž, Česká Čermná, Náchod, Nové Město nad Metují, Přibyslav, Jestřebí
Cadastre: Česká Čermná, Přibyslav nad Metují, Jestřebí nad Metují, Lipí u Náchoda, Jizbice u Náchoda, Sendraž, Vrchoviny
Map sheets: 14-11 Nové Město nad Metují,04-33 Náchod, 04-334 Náchod,14-111 Nové Město na Moravě,14-112 Nový Hrádek
Accessibility: no traffic restriction ( by car)
ID: 1567


Short characteristics of the site: Nature reserve, geomorphologically interesting. Deeply cut valley affected by construction of road and building of bordere fortificatzions before the Second Great War. Tourist attraction.Series of outcrops in a Metuje River channel. Type locality of the Nové Město phyllite. Petrologically they consist of chloritic phyllites strongly foliated and crenulated.
Regional geologic unit: Bohemian Massif > Lugicum > Orlice-Sněžník crystalline complex;
Bohemian Massif > Lugicum > Magmatites of Lugicum
Stratigraphy: Proterozoic, Devonian - Permian
Subject: geomorphology, botany, geology
Geological phenomenon: tor, scree field, frost cliff, block field, river channel
Genesis: aquatic (water activity), weathering
Rock: phyllite, granodiorite, gravel-sand

Territorial protection

Level of protection: Nature reserve
Additional information: See the Digital register of the Agency for Nature Conservation and Landscape Protection of the Czech Republic AOPK ČR, code 1895 (Peklo)
Conflicts of interests: tourism, water resources

  • Faltysová H., Mackovčin P., Sedláček M a kol.(2002): Královéhradecko. In: Mackovčin P. a Sedláček M.(eds.): Chráněná území ČR, svazek V. Agentura ochrany přírody a krajiny ČR a EkoCentrum Brno, Praha str.169-171
  • Opletal et al./1980/: Geologie Orlických hor. ÚÚG Praha

Elaboration and Updating

Elaborated by: Pavla Gürtlerová, 22.06.2007
Updated by: Pecina Vratislav, 02.06.2011, Gürtlerová Pavla, 19.08.2011, Gürtlerová Pavla, 11.11.2011


The database Important geological localities of the Czech Republic: 1567 [online]. Prague: Czech Geological Survey, 1998 [cit. 2023-06-16]. Available from: https://

Location in map:


Scientifical assesment: medium
Educational assesment: middle
Significance: international
Representativeness: middle
Geological importance: geo-regional value (mapping), geoturistic value
Excursion locality: yes
Locality conditions: no problems

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