
General Characteristics

County (administration): Jihomoravský kraj
District (town): Brno-město
Village: Brno
Cadastre: Černovice
Map sheets: 24-34 Ivančice, 24-342 Brno jih
Accessibility: special entry permit necessary (military area, quarry, private land)
Technical object: gravel pit
ID: 1536


Short characteristics of the site: Lower Badenian sands ('Brno sands') with intraclasts of Ottnangian, Karpatian and Lower Badenian dating based on foraminifera and clays were found in Brno-Černovice pit. Gravels of 'Tuřany terrace' are occuring on the overlaying formation of 'Brno sands'.
Regional geologic unit: Carpathians > Carpathian foredeep > Southern part of Carpathian foredeep
Stratigraphy: Lower Badenian , Quaternary
Subject: sedimentology, geology, quaternary geology, economic geology
Geological phenomenon: river terrace, fluvial terrace, fossils fauna, concretion , lithological boundary, cliff, bedding, permafrost wedge
Genesis: sedimentary
Rock: sand, gravel, clay

Territorial protection

Level of protection: Registered interesting geological localities
Conflicts of interests: reclamation, waste disposal, open cast mining

  • Müller, P., Novák, Z. et al. (2000): Geologie Brna a okolí.- ČGÚ. Praha.
  • Buriánek, D. et al.(2012): Vysvětlivky k základní geologické mapě ČR 1:25 000, list 24-342 Brno-jih. - MS, Česká geologická služba. PETROVÁ, P. – NOVÁK, Z. – VALEŠ, V. (1998): Zpráva z výzkumu vrtu Černovice HVI-61. – Geol. BUBÍK, M. – PETROVÁ, P. (2004): Foraminifery brněnských písků ve vrtu Černovice TGB-1. – Geol.výzk. Mor. Slez., 11, 14–17.výzk. Mor. Slez. v r. 1997, 5, 32.

Elaboration and Updating

Elaborated by: Petrová Pavla Tomanová, 05.11.2003
Updated by: Tomanová Petrová Pavla, 30.10.2003, Tomanová Petrová Pavla, 09.04.2009, Tomanová Petrová Pavla, 09.04.2009, Tomanová Petrová Pavla, 17.08.2012, Tomanová Petrová Pavla, 15.05.2020, Tomanová Petrová Pavla, 29.04.2022


The database Important geological localities of the Czech Republic: 1536 [online]. Prague: Czech Geological Survey, 1998 [cit. 2023-06-16]. Available from: https:// lokality.geology.cz/1536.

Location in map:


Scientifical assesment: medium
Educational assesment: middle
Significance: national
Representativeness: middle
Geological importance: significant study profile, geo-regional value (mapping)
Locality conditions: no problems

You can send information about a change in the status of the site to lokality@geology.cz

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