Česká geologická služba
Geological localities
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Dvořákova stezka

General Characteristics

County (administration): Central Bohemia Region
District (town): Mělník
Cadastre: Lobeč, Kralupy nad Vltavou
Map 1 : 50 000 (sheet No): 1221, 12214
Geological region: Permo-Carboniferous and Tertiary of the Central Bohemian & Western Bohemian limnic regions
Accessibility: - passable footpath
Excursion locality: yes
ID : 1207


Short characteristics of the site: Series of outcrops in a railway cut. Transgression of Cretaceous over Caboniferous is exposed. Carboniferous Kladno Formation consists mostly of arkoses, basal Cenomanian sediments of quartzose sandstones and subarkoses. Common weathering phenomena as honeycombs. This locality offers best example of the Cretaceous transgression over Carboniferous.
Regional geologic unit: Bohemian Massif - superficial deposits and post-Variscian magmatites - Upper Carboniferous and Permian - Central and Western Bohemian Late Palaeozoicum, Bohemian Massif - superficial deposits and post-Variscian magmatites - Cretaceous - Czech Cretaceous Basin
Stratigraphy: mezozoikum - křída - svrchní křída - cenoman, paleozoikum - karbon
Subject: stratigraphy, sedimentology, paleontology, geomorphology
Geological phenomenon: lithological boundary, transgression, honeycombs, bedding, horizontal section, ichnofossil, ripple marks, selective erosion, stratotype, characteristic rock
Genesis: sedimentary, weathering
Rock: arkose, sandstone, coal, siltstone

Territorial conservation

Level of protection: Registered geological localities suggested for protection
Protection of a geol. phenomenon: A - Protected Area (declared as Geological Locality)
Conflicts of interests: tourism, sports, vegetation, others human activity, road construction


Fediuk F., 1999: Geologický a vlastivědný výlet do levobřežního dolního Povltaví.- Exkurze ČGSpolečnosti č. 4, s. 17-19, Geohelp Praha; Vejlupek, M. (1970): Geologie východního okraje kladenské pánve, Sbor. geo. Věd G, 18, 127-145, Praha; Opluštil, S., Martínek, K., Tasáryová Z. (2005): Facies and architectural analysis of fluvial deposits of the Nýřany Member and the Týnec Formation (Westphalian D – Barruelian) in the Kladno-Rakovník and Pilsen basins, Bulletin of Geosciences, Vol. 80, No. 1, 45–66, Czech Geological Survey, ISSN 1214-1119; Obrhel, J. (1960): Stratigrafie karbonu mezi Kralupy n. Vltavou a Nelahozevsí. - Věst Ústř. Úst. geol., 35, 19 - 29. Praha; Karatas, T., Bruthans J., Filippi M., Mazancová A., Weiss T., Mareš J. (2022): Depth distribution and chemistry of salts as factors controlling tafoni and honeycombs development, Geomorphology 414 (2022), 16 pp; Chlupáč, I. (1988): Geologické zajímavosti pražského okolí, Praha : Academia, 249 s.; Chlupáč, I. (1999): Vycházky za geologickou minulostí Prahy a okolí, 2. upr. vydání, Praha : Academia, 279 s.

Elaboration and Updating

Elaborated by: Plíšek Antonín, 17.08.01
Updated by: Lojka Richard 10.07.10, Vajskebrová Markéta 22.09.22


The database Significant geological localities of the Czech Republic: 1207 [online]. Prague: Czech Geological Survey, 1998 [cit. 2024-04-30]. Available from: http:// lokality.geology.cz/1207.

Location in map:

Links to neighbouring localities within 2 km radius are available on mouse click in the map window.
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