Česká geologická služba
Geological localities
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General Characteristics

County (administration): Hradec Králové Region
District (town): Jičín
Cadastre: Ohařice
Map 1 : 50 000 (sheet No): 0334, 03344
Geological region: Czech Cretaceous Basin - Jizera Cretaceous & Cretaceous of the lower section of Labe River, Ploučnice, Kamenice and the Děčínský Sněžník Mt.
Accessibility: - passable footpath
Technical object: guarry
ID : 4315


Short characteristics of the site: An abandoned quarry on Houser Hill, which exploited central basanitic feeding dyke of this monogenetic volcano, exposes pyroclastic sequence documenting early evolution of an pyroclastic cone growing in a marshy landscape. The basal phreatomagmatic layer (lapilli-stone) corresponds to initial phreatomagmatic stage as the eruption took place in wet environment. As the volcano grew, magma got insulated from water, and the eruption style turned to Strombolian emitting mainly scoria fragments. At the end, the pyroclastic sequence was penetrated by basanite dyke.
Regional geologic unit: Bohemian Massif - superficial deposits and post-Variscian magmatites - Tertiary - Dispersed Alcalic volcanits
Stratigraphy: kenozoikum - terciér (paleogén - neogén)
Subject: volcanology, geomorphology
Geological phenomenon: dyke, vulcano, cinder cone, volcaniclastic deposits
Genesis: volcanic
Rock: basanite, pyroclastic deposits, scoria, lapillistone

Territorial conservation

Level of protection: Registered geological localities suggested for protection
Protection of a geol. phenomenon: B - Geological phenomenon is the reason for a recommendation to the protection
Part of the Geopark: Bohemian Paradise
Conflicts of interests: vegetation


Rapprich, V., Cajz, V., Košťák, M., Pécskay, Z., Řídkošil, T., Raška, P., Radoň, M. (2007). Reconstruction of eroded monogenic Strombolian cones of Miocene age: a case study on character of volcanic activity of the Jicin Volcanic Field (NE Bohemia) and subsequent erosional rates estimation. Journal of Geosciences, 52(3-4), 169-180; Čáp, P., et.al. (2022?): Základní geologická mapa České republiky 1 : 25 000 s Vysvětlivkami 03-344 Sobotka. - Česká geologická služba. Praha.

Elaboration and Updating

Elaborated by: Rapprich Vladislav, 28.04.22


The database Significant geological localities of the Czech Republic: 4315 [online]. Prague: Czech Geological Survey, 1998 [cit. 2024-05-03]. Available from: http:// lokality.geology.cz/4315.

Location in map:

Links to neighbouring localities within 2 km radius are available on mouse click in the map window.
Vydobytý prostor jako pozůstatek historické těžby bazanitu na vrchu Houser (d. b. CA345). Pod příkrými stěnami uvnitř labyrintu se tvoří mohutné sutě porůstající sporou vegetací. , Pavel Čáp, 2017
Vstup do skalního labyrintu má charakter hluboké soutěsky s příkrými stěnami vzniklými historickou těžbou. Celý vrchol Houseru je zarostlý lesem (d. b. CA345)., Pavel Čáp, 2016

(C) 2003-2012 ČGS, verse aplikace 1.21 [3.2.2016]